Wit & Wisdom | The weapon of fasting

Lent is a time of reflection, a time to ask what we are in need of to grow in the spiritual life. It is the season where we are invited to examine ourselves and ask God how we can turn our heart to him and grow closer so that we may die to oneself to live in God. Dr. Paul Thigpen is the editor of TAN Books. He's an award-winning journalist and best-selling author of many books, including daily devotionals good for Lent and throughout the year. His work has been translated into twelve languages and circulated worldwide. One of my favorite Thigpen books is Manual for Spiritual Warfare. In the Manual the author reminds us how "Sacred Scripture speaks of our ongoing battles with the world, the flesh, and the Devil (see Jas 4:1-7)." Yet, as he continues, "... belief in Satan's existence and activity is today widely dismissed as an outdated superstition. As a result, most Catholics hear very little about him, leaving them unprepared to understand and defeat him. They need to know their Enemy and his strategies." For words of wit and wisdom from Paul Thigpen, Ph.D., about one of the weapons at our disposal in the spiritual life, please click on the image. Peace be with you!

Wit & Wisdom | The Lenten fast

Lent is a time of reflection; a time to ask what we are in need of to grow in the spiritual life. Lent is the season where we are invited again to examine ourselves and ask God how we can turn our heart to him and grow closer so that we may die to oneself to live in God. St. John Chrysostom reminds us there is no advantage unless there is progress, unless we allow ourselves to be transformed during this penitential season. As Christians, we can do so only with humility and patience, with generosity and perseverance. For God, one's turning back to him is never too late. We must persist. Yet we must begin. This Lent, let us continue to walk with Our Lord; and, if we must, let us humbly begin - again. For words of wit and wisdom from St. John Chrysostom please click on the image. Peace be with you!

Wit & Wisdom | Christian Perfection

This writing is a work of early Christian apologetics, likely from the 2nd century. It is rich in it's understanding of what it means to be a Christian: in life, in love, and in death. Christians should recognize the themes the author touches on because, passed down through the centuries, it is still as relevant today as when it was written; for we know a Christian is in the world, but not of the world. For a beautiful reflection on Christian Perfection, please click on the image. Peace be with you!

Wit & Wisdom | On marriage; St. John Chrysostom

When the desire for God touches men’s hearts the world will be made anew. For a man is called to be another Christ. What the world is in need of today is real manhood in the image and likeness of God Incarnate, Jesus Christ. For wit & wisdom from St. John Chrysostom, for men, on marriage please click on the image. Peace be with you!

Wit & Wisdom | St. Louis de Montfort: The Way to Attain Perfection

Saint Louis de Montfort was a great French missionary preacher especially renowned for fostering devotion to Jesus Christ through the Blessed Virgin Mary. For faithful Catholics the prayers of the Rosary are familiar. But they should be for all faithful Christians! As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, echoing Pope Paul VI in his Marialis Cultus - the title of a Mariological apostolic letter issued February 1974 - the rosary is an "epitome of the whole Gospel." Unfortunately, and mostly because it's unfamiliar to our non-Catholic Christian brothers and sisters, the rosary is misunderstood. Yet it's been a prayer for the ages because one cannot help but recite this great Marian prayer and not grow in one's love for Jesus Christ. Entering into the Rosary is taking Mary by the hand and allowing her to lead you to her Son. In future posts we will explore more about the rosary and the familiar Christian prayers. For insight from St. Louis de Montfort on contemplating the great mysteries of the life of Jesus through the eyes of his Mother please click on the image. Peace be with you!